KSK Auto Services Sdn Bhd

Piam No: KD0026

Location map: Location map Address:
Sg Petani
08000, Kedah

Email: kskase@pd.jaring.my
Phone: 04-4228229
Fax: 04-4227229
Tow Truck (24 hours): 012-480 6181

Company Profile

The company was incorporated on the 28 November 1994 at Alor Setar in Kedah. The company was set up for the sole purpose of repairing damaged motor vehicles, spray painting, knocking, welding, towing services and other accident related services.

The company is a sole proprietorship and is in the name of Mr Kua San Keng, who has been involved in this nature of business for the last nine years. Before this he had been working at a workshop for a few years, then decided to venture in his own business.

The company is presently an active member of the Kedah Automobile Workshop Owners Association and has been a member since 1994. The said workshop has also been having a good and healthy business relationship with all their customers.

We offer the latest equipments and facilities are such as spray painting booth, body straightener, air compressor, welding torches and gas cylinders and so on


We provide the following services :

  • Body works
  • Spray painting
  • Services and repair
  • Towing
  • Electrical work
  • Panel beating
  • Tyre balancing alignment

Workshop gallery