Hup Soon Auto Services Sdn Bhd

Piam No: PH0002

Location map: Location map Address:
28300, Pahang

Phone: 09-2555427
Fax: 09-2556208
Tow Truck (24 hours): 019-932 4136, 019-986 5575

Company Profile

Hup Soon Workshop  is Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) approved repairers
under the PARS scheme. We have ample knowledge of repair and maintain vehicles
to the satisfaction of our customers. We offer a wide range of service and employ various latest tools and equipments to assist us in our repair works. The equipment we have in our workshop includes an autorobot precision body straightener.
Since the establishment of the company until today, our workshop has successfully operated and gave good and satisfactory service to our customers. We deal with all sorts of vehicles repairs and maintenance. We also offer 24 hours towing services.

Workshop gallery